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Group Courses
Los Sabrosos Dance Company offers a diverse menu of youth and adult group dance classes, from Salsa and Bachata, to Yoga, Ballroom, Fitness, Bellydance, and more!
We also offer specialized workshops, all guaranteed to make you more comfortable and at-ease when dancing on your own or with a partner.
See our Calendar to find out what we’re teaching today!
Course Structure
Group Classes are typically offered as month-long courses, with four weekly progressive lessons, unless otherwise noted. Schedules occasionally adjust from month to month. Please see our Monthly Schedule for the exact dates of group courses.
Please refer to the individual class pages for exact details.
Exercise classes (Zumba & STRONG Nation) are structured on a drop-in basis and have different pricing than all of our other classes.
Instructor consent is needed for our more advanced courses.
Please talk to an instructor to see what level of our classes best serve you.
No partner required.
Group Pricing & Registration
Drop-In Class (1 hour): $20.00
Group Course Series (typically four progressive, weekly lessons): $60.00
Discounted Group Course Series (college student, low income, senior, or veteran): $40.00
Two Group Class Package* : $100.00
Three Group Class Package* : $120.00
Five Group Class Package*: $150.00
Full Month Pass Unlimited*: $219.00
*Does not include classes beyond your level of skill. Applies only to series courses, not workshops. Amount of classes vary each month and some classes may cancel. All packages are for one person to be used in one month.
All pricing is per person. We accept cash and all major credit cards.
Register online, in person, or by phone: (412) 465-0290. All payments are non-refundable. Payments for classes apply only to the current or upcoming month. No transfers or make-ups.
Studio Location
Los Sabrosos Dance Studio
4909 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Lots of street parking available!
(Please do NOT park in the convenience store lot across the street. You may be towed.)
Get a taste of Salsa, Bachata, and/or Merengue during a mini lesson before every Noche Latina, when the studio hosts 1st & 3rd Saturday dance parties!
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month: Doors open at 9 PM, lesson starts by 9:15 PM. Then dance the night away till close (usually 1 AM) with the instructors and awesome dancers of Pittsburgh!
Cost: $5 (in addition to $10 cover for social dancing after lesson).
Please wear comfortable clothing.
If you have dance shoes, please wear them.
If you do NOT have dance shoes, you want to avoid wearing shoes that strongly grip to the floor, as they could cause you to torque your knee while trying to spin. You also want to consider the flexibility of the shoe (platform shoes will NOT work, nor will work boots or most running shoes). Socks also work well.
Los Sabrosos Dance Company (students, staff, members, and participants) disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the events, classes, or dance patterns/routines taught therein. Consult with your physician before starting any dance or exercise routine.
Please check out our Policies page for more information about our lesson policies.
Traditional roles (Lead=Male, Follow=Female) are not necessary. There are fantastic women dancers that are leads and amazing male dancers that are follows. Learn something new! Again, no partner required.
Refund Policy
Lesson payments are non-refundable, whether for groups, privates, events, or teams.
Group lesson packages are valid for only the current or upcoming month that the package is purchased. No transfers or make-ups.
Photo credit: Charlie Hurka
Call us at (412) 465-0290.