Bollywood Classes

Bollywood is a dynamic, energetic,
and highly theatrical dance style with origins in the Indian film industry, after which it is named. This style is a fusion of international dance forms such as Traditional Indian, Folk, Salsa, and Bellydance mixed with western dances like Hip-Hop, Jazz, and Funk. With no set technique, Bollywood is a wonderful mode of self-expression for those who love to move their feet but hate following the rules!
No special footwear or clothing required.

Beginner to Experienced-Beginner  
This course goes over the foundations of Bollywood dances. Students will learn different short choreos to upbeat, fast flowing music.
Open to everyone 10 years or older.
No special footwear or clothing required.

Bollywood Performance Camp!
All Levels
Learn and fun and energetic Bollywood choreography. Get ready to perform in 8 weeks! Performance is optional. Learn more HERE.

Bolly Rangeela Bollywood Team!
Experienced-Beginner and higher
Directed by instructors Samannaaz Khoja and Geeta Tahiliani, the focus of this group is to get you comfortable performing in front of a live audience. This experience is perfect for those looking to level-up their Bollywood dancing skills, increase their stage presence, and have lots of fun while doing it!

Each week we briefly review the material of the previous week, then move onto new material, and finally incorporate the new with the old in a combination for footwork and movement.

Current Schedule of Bollywood Classes

7 PM – Bollywood
8 PM – Bollywood Performance Camp (Starting March 31st!)

Group Course Registration

If you’re ready to register, please click on the graphic below which corresponds with the class you want to take. For more info on pricing and course structure, please visit our Registration page.

*There is a 4% processing fee assessed at checkout.

Contact the studio at 412-465-0290