Brazilian Zouk is an energetic, creative, and flowy Latin dance that originated from a Brazilian dance called Lambada. It was often danced to a Caribbean style of music called Zouk, and this is where the name comes from.
Brazilian Zouk is incredibly diverse but here are a few sample videos of renowned, beloved dancers and instructors so that you can get a feel for the dance.
*Marck & Melissa
*Ry’el & Jessica with Clo
*William & Paloma
Brazilian Zouk 1 (No partner needed)
This beginner course goes over the foundations of Zouk including a comfy frame, musicality, the basic step (in place and traveling), the lateral step, viradinha, etc.
Brazilian Zouk 2 (No partner needed)
This course builds on the foundations of Zouk, continuing to add more smooth moves (boomerang/bonus, yo-yo/io-io variations, all the body rolls, etc) with a special focus on technique and ever-increasing flowiness.
Brazilian Zouk 3 (No partner needed)
Reinforcing the material learned in previous levels and expanding beyond it, this course aims to improve technical application while strengthening partnerwork to better prepare students for the creative, spontaneous nature of social dancing.
Elevate your Zouk game with the specialized classes offered during Interstellar Dance Weekender!
All of our classes require the skills taught in the previous classes, as well as the previous levels.
Example: Zouk 2 requires that a dancer knows everything taught in the four classes of Zouk 1.
The first class of each series starts with a basic review of the material from the previous level.
Example: The first class of Zouk 2 consists of a review of the material covered in Zouk 1.
Each week we briefly review the material of the previous week, then move onto new material, and finally incorporate the new with the old in a combination for partnerwork and/or footwork.
We have created a Facebook group for Los Sabrosos students to connect with each other and find other students to partner with. Click here to be taken to the group.
Current Schedule of Zouk Classes
Starting in January
6 PM – Brazilian Zouk 3
6 PM – Brazilian Zouk 2
7 PM- Brazilian Zouk 1
March 28th-30th: Interstellar Dance Weekender
Group Course Registration
If you’re ready to register, please click on the graphic below which corresponds with the level of Zouk you want to take. For more info on pricing and course structure, please visit our Registration page.

*There is a 4% processing fee assessed at checkout.
Contact the studio at 412-465-0290.
Photo credit: Pablo Crespo